Asparagus and egg salad are a great combination of vegetables and protein. Asparagus can be grilled, steamed, or grilled. A tasty dressing made with lemon juice, shallot, capers, sugar, and other seasonings will complement the asparagus and eggs. It’s best to make it the day before to allow the asparagus to cool. Aside from the salad, the asparagus can also be sliced and served raw.
I really like instant gratification. It’s a big motivator for me. If I can’t do something, I want to know why, and I want how, then I want to know when I can. I think this factor has helped me in my picture taking. When I see a picture and don’t understand how someone took it, I instantly start to read a manual or look online. I also tend to upload pictures to twitpic before blogging about them, just because I want someone to tell me yum, or looks good!

Grilled Asparagus and Egg Salad with Hollandaise Sauce
- 3 Hard Boiled Eggs
- 1 lb Fresh Asparagus trimmed
- Olive Oil
- 4 Egg Yolks
- 1 TBS Fresh Lemon Juice
- 1/2 cup 1 stick Butter
- Pinch Salt
- Pinch White Pepper
- Pinch Cayenne
- Prepare hard boiled eggs ahead of time and refrigerate.
- Brush asparagus with olive oil and grill on high heat for 5 minutes. Grille outside, or inside on a cast iron grill pan. Set asparagus aside.
- Melt the butter over low heat. Keep on low heat around 10 minutes, or until aromatic and the fat solids will have floated to the top. Skim off fat solids and reserve clarified butter.
- Whisk together the egg yolks and lemon juice vigorously in a stainless steel bowl until thick and doubled in volume. Place the steel bowl over a pot of simmering water, not letting the bowl touch the water. Continue to whisk quickly, not letting the eggs get too hot or they will scramble.
- Slowly drizzle in the melted butter and continue to whisk until the sauce is thick and doubled in volume.
- Remove from heat. Whisk in salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper. Cover and keep warm until ready to use.
- Warm the grilled asparagus if necessary and serve with bard boiled eggs and Hollandaise sauce. Serve with fresh lemon.
Tips and Tricks
To make a classic, easy-to-make side dish, start by making a delicious grilled asparagus and egg salad. This recipe calls for a crispy cider reduction made with onions and honey. Then, whisk in a creamy dressing and add the chopped tomatoes and asparagus. Finally, top with the hard-boiled eggs and croutons. Then, serve immediately. It is ideal served at room temperature or chilled.
The asparagus can be boiled or grilled. Then, they should be cooled in cold water. To prepare the dressing, whisk together the lemon juice, the vinegar and the shallot. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can prepare the egg salad ahead of time. You can also prepare the grilled asparagus and hard-boiled eggs a day before. This will allow you to make the dressing ahead of time.
If you don’t have hard-boiled eggs, you can also use hard-boiled eggs. To prepare hard-boiled eggs, place them in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Cook them for 7 minutes. Peel them and transfer to a bowl of ice water. When ready to assemble the salad, mix the asparagus with the dressing. It can be prepared ahead of time or at least one day in advance.
You can serve this salad for breakfast or lunch. Simply grill the asparagus until they are crisp and tender. After that, set them aside while you prepare the dressing. The dressing should be a mixture of lemon juice, shallot, sugar, and lemon zest. The dressing can be made a day before and refrigerated. Once the asparagus is done, place it in the refrigerator for a few hours to cool.
To make the salad, prepare the asparagus first. Then, prepare the egg. Then, grill the asparagus until they are crisp and tender. To make the salad more appetizing, you can add some sliced hard-boiled eggs or fresh-roasted nuts. Incorporate the hard-boiled eggs and asparagus in the salad. The asparagus will keep its shape and retain its color. If you’re serving the salad to an upscale crowd, serve it with a delicious vinaigrette.
To make the salad, you can prepare the hard-boiled eggs beforehand. Whether they’re poached or fried, they should be soft-boiled with the asparagus. Then, divide the asparagus and egg salad between two plates. Then, add the hard-boiled eggs and garnish with the chopped asparagus and the eggs. Then, serve them with a side of grilled asparagus and an extra virgin olive oil.
To make the grilled asparagus and egg salad, follow the instructions in the recipe. Then, cook the eggs. If they’re hard-boiled, use a small saucepan. Pour water over the asparagus and let it sit for 7 minutes. Flip the asparagus and the eggs and allow the preparation to cool. Then, chop the asparagus and eggs and toss with the salad. It’s easy to prepare the grilled vegetables and the egg salad.
To make the grilled asparagus and egg salad, cut the asparagus into 2 inch pieces. Then, add the egg yolks, bacon, and dressing. Stir well to combine the ingredients, and sprinkle parmesan shavings on top if desired. This dish can be served cold or at room temperature. The recipe can be easily adapted to various diets. The grilled asparagus and egg salad are great for any meal.